The SkookumScript team of mad scientists have been energetically evangelizing SkookumScript at two major video game industry conferences over the past two weeks. And, now the recap!
First, our intrepid CEO and Chief Mad Computer Scientist Conan Reis headed to Las Vegas February 20-14 to attend the D.I.C.E. (Design, Innovate, Communicate, Entertain) Summit and D.I.C.E. Awards, the video game industry’s premier awards show and schmooze-fest. Conan quite enjoyed rubbing shoulders (and elbows, and the occasional knee) with some of the industry’s top executives – several of whom scheduled personal SkookumScript demos for the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco the following week.
Then it was on to San Francisco, where we presented our third annual SkookumScript SkookumBooth at the GDC Expo on March 1-3. Our main attraction was our brand-spanking-new SkookumIDE Standard and SkookumIDE Professional, which we showed off to throngs of inquisitive game developers, not to mention CEOs, CTOs, and other management-types.
This year we were next door to the two-story Epic Games Unreal Engine pavilion, so a steady stream of Unreal staff and developers stopped by to witness the unbridled awesomeness of the SkookumScript Unreal Engine 4 Plugin. Our favorite SkookumScript power user, Zach Burke, was on hand to show off the super-cool Unreal game he’s building with SkookumScript, and explain why SkookumScript is the superpowered scripting solution for today’s hip and happening game developer.
The SkookumScript team of mad scientists get their “Muahahaha!” on at the GDC 2017 SkookumScript SkookumBooth.
There is no better place to suss out game industry trends than GDC, and this year we saw a big increase in major studios looking for a powerful text-based scripting system for Unreal (that’s SkookumScript!), as well as an end-user modding solution (that’s SkookumScript too!) Clearly, the industry’s need for SkookumScript is only growing….
In sum, SkookumScript had a successful year at D.I.C.E. and GDC. Now begins several weeks of following up with everyone we met at D.I.C.E. and GDC who is interested in using SkookumScript, and setting up SkookumScript evaluation licenses for various studios as their development windows open. No rest for the indefatigable SkookumScript team of mad scientists!
The dinosaurs were so impressed with SkookumScript’s native game concepts and live code iteration, they spared our lives.