You know what they say—when a virtual butterfly flutters its wings, a bunch of mad computer scientists will figure out a new and improved way for that butterfly to flutter its wings.
Behold the world’s first virtual butterfly powered by SkookumScript!
To give developers a side-by-side comparison of Blueprint graphs and SkookumScript, Markus Breyer (aka “GreatGuru”) has converted the behavior of a butterfly in the Blueprints demo project to SkookumScript.
For a long time we wanted to show you a side-by-side comparison between Blueprint graphs and SkookumScript, and here it is. We thought the butterflies in the Blueprints` demo project were cute and have converted their behavior to SkookumScript. This example is a faithful replication of the original Blueprint behavior for ease of comparison.
Get the demo on the SkookumScript GitHub pages.
Extra Info on the UE4 Plug-in
For additional information on the SkookumScript Unreal Engine plug-in see the SkookumScript + UE4 landing page.